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EvoShield Srz-1 Batter's Elbow Guard

EvoShield Srz-1 Batter's Elbow Guard

EvoShield Srz-1 Batter's Elbow Guard
$ 34.99

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Product Description

Polyester is a type of fabric.
Baseball is a type of sport.

Questions & Answers

Is it possible to use an adult elbow guard on a child's elbow?

It is dependent on the size of the child.

What size should I get for my 16-year-old grandson, who weighs 155 pounds?

He'd have to go with an adult size.

What size elbow guard would be appropriate for my 13-year-old daughter? You're 5'8" and weigh 140 pounds. ?

Hello! The dimensions of our elbow guard are listed below by size.br>Coverage (Large/Adult): Coverage (Small/Youth): 9" W x 6" Hbr> 8" W x 5" H x 8" W x 5" H x 8" W x 5"

Is it aimed at teenagers?

Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me. Please refer to the size chart below, which includes an age recommendation: Guard Coverage: br>br>Guard Protection: br>br>Guard Protection: br>br>Guard 8"W x 5"H (Small); AGE Recommendationbr>br>Small - (9"W x 6"H)br>br>Small - (9"W x 6"H)br>br>Small - (9"W x 6"H)br>br>Small - (9"W x 6" Large - 12 and belowbr>Medium - 12 and belowbr>Medium - 12 and belowbr>Medium br>br>Thank you! 12 or 13 abovebr>br>

Selected User Reviews For EvoShield Srz-1 Batter's Elbow Guard

It was money well spent

This was purchased for my ten-year-old son. It seemed a little pricey to me. We all gasped when he was hit on the left elbow by a 12-year-old who was the size of an adult in the second game after he received it. My son tossed his bat and walked to first base with ease. He claimed he didn't feel anything. You can't put a price on something like that.

Frida Estes
Frida Estes
| May 02, 2021
Be cautious and wait until you're ready to fit before opening! Make sure you don't open this package until you're sure you're ready to put it on the person

This is not stated on the box or packaging in any way. After opening the sealed packaging, it hardens in minutes. After making that error on the first one, I am now in for $60.

Damari Weiss
Damari Weiss
| Sep 17, 2021
Read the instructions before using this product

It's air activated, so read the directions carefully. My daughter received it for softball after being hit by a pitch and receiving a stitching bruise; however, when she opened it, she was disappointed that it was soft and wanted to return it. Fortunately, she read the directions as soon as she opened them and saw that they were beginning to form. She molded it into place and was ready to go. However, she opened it thinking it was a soft cloth pad, but it quickly hardens and performs its function. Last week, she was nailed; it hurt a little, but there was no bruising, and she was able to move afterward.

Zeke Mercer
Zeke Mercer
| Aug 05, 2021
Both sides of the warning label are required

My money was a waste. When it came time to form, the sticker was only on one side and could not be opened. My son did not see the other side when he opened the door.

Brooks Barron
Brooks Barron
| Dec 12, 2021

I took a chance and purchased a "Used - Good Condition" item. Like New. " DON'T DO IT!" says the narrator. br>br>When you receive them, they should be sealed in a foil pouch. The forming process begins once it has been removed from the pouch. It can't be undone once it's been formed. Mine was no longer in the pouch, which wasn't even there when I got it. br>br>Mine also came without the strap, which appears to be a problem for a lot of other people (I'm not sure if they tried to get a used item as well).

Ridge Lopez
Ridge Lopez
| Nov 30, 2021
Good product that was simple to mold and has already protected him from a wild pitch

When the kids get older and the pitchers get faster, I would definitely recommend it.

| Sep 01, 2021
Customized forms are simple to obtain

It's simple to make and it holds together well. My daughter was ducking out of the box to avoid being hit because she didn't want to be hit. She now knows it won't hurt her, so she'll stay in the box on inside pitches. It may only help with the mental side of things right now, but it will help her develop as a hitter in the future.

Olivia Williamson
Olivia Williamson
| Jan 13, 2021
Stitching is of poor quality

Stitching is a shambles. She has yet to put it to use. She did nothing but form for 30 minutes. I was impressed by how well it had taken on the shape of her arm until I noticed it was disintegrating.

Eliana Ramsey
Eliana Ramsey
| Mar 13, 2021

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